Only Fascists Speak for that Long

Michael McTighe
3 min readAug 28, 2020


While Trump’s remarks this morning will be dissected, tweeted, and fact-checked, something that doesn’t need much analysis is that speech was f***ing long.

He rambled and repeated himself a lot. I switched between two live streams; one on the conservative-friendly Louder with Crowder and another on the left-wing show, the David Packman show.

Initially, I had wanted to watch what traditionally is a 15–20-minute acceptance speech on Louder with Crowder because I wanted to see the reaction by his fans. Crowder told his crew to be quiet so he could listen, something I had assumed more left-leaning live streams would have felt no compunction to talk over. Then it kept going. When I switched to Packman, maybe about 15–20 minutes in I was sure it would wrap up shortly thereafter and Packman would give some comments about it. I was wrong, so very, very wrong.

However, while watching David Packman made an aside which was quite brilliant. He called the speech “Castro-like” — although admitted Castro would go on for hours. This was probably around the thirty-minute mark.

Trump repeated himself a lot. He talked about cancel culture at least twice. Mind you not twice is quick succession. Sometimes I am prone to make the same point twice. Nope. He talked about it. Meandered to some other unrelated topic, and then brought it up again, as if he had not talked about it before.

You’d think COVID-19 would make up the bulk of his speech. Wrong. You probably think he’d call it COVID-19, you know, the name by which it is called. Also wrong. He mentioned it twice to my memory, and called it the “invisible enemy” and “the Chinavirus”.

He also had a crowd present, most of whom were not wearing masks, and many of whom were old enough to be in the high-risk category.

Most of all the speech was just insane.

The speech went on for 70 minutes. Jesus.

Let’s talk about some other people who have spoken for a similar amount of time.

Muammar Al-Gaddafi — In a speech to a general assembly he spoke for 96 minutes in a similar rambling fashion.

Hugo Chavez — Hugo once gave a televised address that lasted for 8 hours!

Joseph Stalin — Partial credit here as while I cannot find the length of the speech, it was made longer by the 11 minutes mandatory applause afterward. Let’s not give Trump any ideas.

Now, for better or ill (let’s be frank, it’s ill), Trump will go down in the history books for a 70 minute series of brain farts.

Unless you want a 14 hour inauguration speech, I suggest you vote him out in November.



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